Jahwohl & the Streichholzschächtelchen ist ein Theaterstück für 8 Personen. Das Stück wurde im Dezember 2018 uraufgeführt. This piece is dedicated to my boyfriend. A man who likes to call me bossy in public and Hitler when no one can hear it. No worries, our thearpist is on it.
We see two people lying next to each other. On one side, next to the male person stands a lamp. The light is bright and shines directly at the audience.
Female voice: “Turn off the light!”
Male voice: “Jawohl, mein Führer!”
He turns the light off and the background lights are turned on.
Now a group of people comes onto the stage from the front. Marching. Screaming: “Jawohl! Jawohl!!”. With every step. They salute and stand left and right from the bed. Then they sit down, on their knees – in a relaxed pose.
The female character sits up straight in bed and with a smile talks to them like a grandma to her grandkids.
“Oh no worries: Mädels! He doesn’t mean it that way. Communicating is always tough and especially when you love an English man. Just remember, when you get too demanding he calls you good old “one ball only” Adolf.”
The people on the floor scream: “Jawohl!” while they sit up straight again. Then they go back zto being more relaxed.
Female voice: “Ha! But you can get him back! Take that Inselaffe!”
The group on the floor now starts to shake little match box. Creating a tense rhythm.
Female voice: “Oh, Darling … what is the German word for matchbox …”
The main male character rises. The shaking of the match boxes stops. He starts to stutter.
“Stri …”
Now the people shake the boxes building up an even more intense rhythm like for a great finale.
The matchboxes are quiet now. The people are “oohhhing” disappointedly.
Then they start the shaking again.
Female voice:
“Try again. Darling.”
“Streich … holz … schaltshoooonshen.”
The match boxes are quiet now. The people are “ohhhing” disappointedly.
Then they start the shaking again.
The tension rises.
“Streich …holz …schächt …el … chen …!”
It is absolutely quiet.
And in the middle of the quietness the main female voice shouts out loud.
The people scream: “Hurra!” jump up and hop off stage in a cheerful, happy mood.
The lights go out. Then a match is enlightened by the main female. She looks towards the main male character, he gets up too now.
Female voice: “I love you. (Darling).”
Male voice: “I Love you, too. (Schatz).”
Then, they blow out the match. Together.